Sunday, 7 March 2021

Bad Ideas Everywhere!

You there, writer! Yes, you! Worried your idea is terrible? That it will never catch up? That it's worthless and dumb just like you? Well, let's face it. Your idea is stupid. Just like these:

  • An abused boy goes to a wizarding school and learns there's more to him than meets the eye

  • A group of teenagers are thrown in an arena to fight to death

  • A group of teenagers are thrown in an island to fight to death

  • A boy reads a book and delves into a fantasy world: The Neverending Story

  • A small and weak young man has to leave his village to save the world

  • Kids find a magical realm from their closet

  • A talented girl fights her abusers

  • A group of people stuck in an island of dinosaurs

  • A group of washed-up superheroes get back together

  • A man gets away before his world is destroyed

And these worthless ideas are only from the last fifty or so years. Before that there are five Thousand years worth of dumb ideas.

The point is: If you have an idea, it's probably dumb, like all of them. Write it down anyway!


Saturday, 20 February 2021

Why I'm not a writer

I started writing rather late, at the age of sixteen. That's about twenty years ago. That's when I wrote my first film script. It was a dumb about couple of dummies who sell their souls and then try to get them back. It never got shot, thank God!

But it left me hungry for something bigger: The lust for storytelling. At first I thought it was passion for filmmaking, so I came up with a movie called The Knight-Guardian.

But it wasn’t filmmaking per se. Filmmaking is just a good way to tell a story. And that was the key: storytelling.

It's been In my veins as long as I know, probably since my first breath. I don't care if it's movie, novel of videogame. Good story is where you find it. The best story is whatever works best In its own media.

The only limit is where you want to focus on. To me it's writing. Hope you know yours.

Thanks and bye!
